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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Russian Extreme in Sokolniki!

From May 24 to 27, 2012 the Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Centre takes the country’s main extreme event — EXTREMEX festival. The whole exposition includes nine thematic sections, the particularly noteworthy of which is the Travel Extreme located in the pavilion 4.1. The participants are going to be Embassies, ​​tour operators, airlines, hotels, ministries of tourism from all over the world. A real Russian extreme will be shown at the stands of Russian regions.

The Russian Government regularly emphasizes the need to develop active sports and tourism in regions.  Many federal programs have been aimed precisely at this problem in recent years. The EXTREMEX festival is the right opportunity for regional leaders who tend to prove to Russians that extreme sports are not only overseas and in major metropolitans such as Moscow and St. Petersburg. In different parts of Russia both traditional extreme sports and extreme sports with a truly Russian flavor are popular, all those that are loved by many foreign tourists. Take breathtaking rafting and alloys in the Altai, extreme team building or diving in Baikal, dog sledding, heli-skiing, jeep tours or trekking on the volcanoes in Kamchatka.

The Moskau Messe company, the festival’s organizer, is confident that by the end of EXTREMEX in 2012 the tourist flow to Russian regions will be significantly increased.

Russian Extreme

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