Project Start: May 24th, 2012
Today EXTREMEX rightfully holds the title of Moscow’s main extreme park event. In 2013, it became Sokolniki’s most attended event over the last few years generating an audience of half a million.
Originally, the idea was to create an extreme goods tradeshow. In the very first year, we received support from the RF Ministry of Sport, the Commission on Physical Education, Sport and Olympic Movement Development under the RF Federation Council, Moskomsport (the Moscow Physical Education and Sport Department), and the Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Kamchatka Krai. Within a year the project had evolved from a local exhibition into a citywide festivity attracting big world renowned commercial brands as partners.
The foundation of our success is not only our determination to promote a healthy life style and to infect the younger generation with sporting fever but also the fact that we have created a high-quality event long anticipated by Moscow’s active sports lovers. There can be no doubt that the 2014 festival will gather more momentum. We are looking forward to seeing you at EXTREMEX'2014!
Alexey Shaburov
President of EXTREMEX,
an international exhibition and show of
affordable and elite extreme sports,
tourism and leisure