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Friday, June 22, 2012

Go Skating Day was first held in Sokolniki Park

Yesterday a grand skateboarding event took place in Sokolniki Park. Moscow’s best skaters gathered in the new skate park at Green Theatre to mark the World Day of skateboarding. From 4 pm till 8 pm the guys competed in all major disciplines identifying best of best. All the contest participants noted that it appeared beneficial to move skateboarding constructions from the Children’s Activity Centre to the new location. It is important that the park formed a separate area where all the extreme sports lovers are free to hone their skills without interfering with regular visitors to the park.

Administration of Sokolniki Park for Leisure and Recreation would like to invite all interested organizations to cooperate to manage the skate park, as well as to hold large events and provide sponsorship activities. Applications are accepted by e-mail:

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