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Monday, May 14, 2012

Test opening of a skate park took place

The test opening of a skate park took place in Pesochnaya Alleya of Sokolniki Park (Sand Street). Within the frames of the event, there was held an international concert Make It Count. The event gathered lots of skaters and media representatives. According to the participants of the contest, the skate park was constructed at high European level and if there is a roof over it, the park will be considered to be the best one in Russia.

All the spectators welcomed the speech of Andrey Lapshin, the Director of Sokolniki Park, who congratulated them on the test opening of the park and said that the entrance to park to be free.

The official opening of the park to take place in late-May and it to be timed to coincide with the beginning of EXTREMEX Festival of accessible and elite kinds of extreme sports, recreation and tourism that is to be held in Sokolniki from 24th to 27th of May.
Тестовое открытие скейт-парка состоялось

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