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Friday, June 24, 2011

X Games to be expanded

ESPN – America's leading channel in action-sports – which created the game and conducting X Games, announced the decision, which would certainly become a milestone in the history of games and enhancing their global status. Since 2013 six events are to be held, two of which are to be held in the U.S., and four – outside.

At the moment, competitions are held in the U.S. – Los Angeles (summer) and Aspen (winter) and Tignes in France, where two consecutive years European Winter X Games are organized.

Three more places are to be selected during 2012. Skateboarding, motofreestyle, BMX and rally racing are to be among the priority sportive directions of X Games, but if we talk about the winter games, it's snowboarding, new school, and snowmobile races.

X Games to be expanded


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